Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Triangular Trade

Students should read the information carefully and follow th instructions which are given.

The Triangular Trade is a three legged journey on which goods were traded. This journey linked Europe, Africa and The Americas together to form a triangle hence the name the Triangular Trade. A variety of goods were transported on each leg of the journey.

The diagram above shows how the Triangular Trade was organised. Identify the area where the trade started and where it ended. Give reasons for answers.

The journey between Africa and the West Indies was known as the 'Middle Passage'. This was refered to as the most horrific leg of the journey. The main goods on this leg were African slaves. the journey took them out of Africa across the Atlantic ocean and into the Americas. Do a webquest using the following sites to find out why this leg of the journey was feared by both sailors and slaves and was called the most horrific leg http//,

Post your comments immediately after you have read the documents.
Search other sites for information on the horrors of the middle passage, name the two sites which appeal to you most ans say why this is so.

To visualize the horrors of the middle passage visit the following site http//

Draw cartoons which expresses your feelings of the middle passage, scan them and blog them to this site.

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